Comfort Quilts

From Quilt North’s Bylaws:  Section II. E. To encourage charitable activities

Caddies: Sue Ahearn, Mimi Newnham

Patriotic: Laura Swensen

Quilts: Paula Dunn, Deb Kreifels, Arilee Bagley, Charlotte Dugan, Cheryl Scorsone

Our Comfort Quilt program continues with members making quilts and walker caddies. During our meetings, please bring finished Comfort Quilts and tops to the Comfort Quilt Table. We always have a nice selection of quilt kits and walker caddy kits to be sewn, and quilts to be quilted. Kits are also available at the homes of three members for contactless pickup.

Please do not hesitate to contact Paula Dunn, Comfort Quilts chairperson at with any questions. There is plenty of easy patterns, fabric and batting if you want to make a quilt. The most useful sizes are 36″ by 48″ for lap and baby quilts, and 60″ by 80″ for twin quilts, sizes are approximate. There are still many small quilt tops waiting to be quilted or tied if you want to try your hand at it, just let us know!

Walker caddies

The walker caddy directions have been revised. Thank you to member Sue Ahearn for this and for volunteering to make caddy kits available to guild members. These kits can be picked up at the locations above. Thank you also, to Joy Karns, for providing photos of the steps involved in making the caddies.


We have an annual all-day comfort quilt workshop held at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library in Clifton Park. This event will be our February guild meeting. Members, and members of the community, drop in or stay the day, as we make quilts for that will be distributed to those in need.

Work that benefits our community is one of the most important activities of the guild. We have provided hundreds of quilts to those in need as well as helped to raise funds for local organizations such as the Shenendehowa Helping Hands Food Pantry. Individual members make quilts at home to donate to this effort and workshops are held so members can work together on quilts. This provides an ongoing supply of quilts available to the guild. Recipients of the quilts include children and families in need, veterans, infants in the NICU, children and youth who have suffered loss, and local families who suffered because of illness or catastrophe.


The internet has many simple patterns for you to use.

Quilt Sizes

Considering making a comfort? Here are the general sizes of quilts needed. As you can read, sizes are approximate and no quilts will be turned away! Thank you!

36″ by 48″ – For babies and for those using wheelchairs (WIC and nursing homes)

Approximately 60″ by 80″ – For youths and teens (CAPTAIN/Camp Erin)

Approximately. 48″ by 48″ to 48″ by 60″ For NICU to end of life care (Albany Med)

Quilts of any size are accepted by the Albany Medical Center.

Quilt Kits

Each kit includes a pattern, precut pieces for the top, sashing (if needed) and borders (if needed), backing and 2 ¼” strips to make double fold binding. At the Comfort Quilts table, you can request batting if it did not come with your kit.

PATRIOTIC QUILTS – With the Help of Quilt North Members

       Will you take the time to make a Lap Size Quilt (measuring about 56” x 60”)?  Please use quilting cotton fabrics to make your tops.  Finish it with your quilting, tie it or give the top to us.   If you take 10-20 minutes a day sewing, cutting etc. you will be surprised how much you will get done by the end of the month!  Lack enough red, white or blue fabric?  Need batting? I can help!  Just ask!!   Fat Quarter Shop and Pat A. Slone online have many free patterns you can use.

This is a Quilt North effort to help the men and women in military service or veterans.  If you know of a person who is or was in the military and would love to get a quilt let’s see what we can do. Our Patriotic Quilts are donated to the McKenna Room at Albany International Airport.

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